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This product is a repellent formulated from plant extracts on which the main component is geraniol. This base is dissolved using a bio-tensioactive synthesized by bacteria.

This way you get a product that when sprayed on a surface, door or window frames, curtains ... acts as a barrier that bugs can't cross.

If sprayed on the ground the barrier makes effect on the insects that walk: ants, beetles, spiders ...

If we want to prevent the entry of flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects, what we have to do is spray the frame of the windows or curtains.

It can also be sprayed on the plants so they don't get attacked by aphids or scale insects.

Unlike other repellent substances and insecticides on the market, TOTNET product doesn't show any sign of danger and is completely biodegradable.

It doesn't stain the fabrics or surfaces where it is sprayed.



The basis of this product has been developed by a biotechnologic French company called HTSbio and has been tested against various insect pests bhanan independent laboratory, obtaining spectacular results, as it created a barrier spraying the product that both crawlers and flying insects

didn't cross.

The composition of the product allows its use without restriction in the presence of children and people with allergic problems (the only ones who may have a problem with our repellent are the ones allergic to geraniol).

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